Volume 77: Bubble Trouble


Welcome back, Strange Crew!

In this episode, Cherise and Cait are finally reunited in the same room after WAY too long.

For those of you not in New Brunswick, our province has slowly and cautiously begun lifting restrictions around COVID-19 and is now essentially allowing people to have “bubble” families they can now interact with. We hope that wherever you are in the world you’re staying safe, following your jurisdiction’s recommendations, and of course, taking the time to enjoy some music!

The gals dive into what they’ve been working on behind the scenes at Strange Grooves HQ. Things may have been a little quiet, but there are lots of great things in the works and lots of cool stuff happening on StrangeGrooves.com. This time has allowed for a lot of reflection on who they really are and where we want to take Strange Grooves next. They fill you in.

They also talk about what they’ve been listening to during these isolating times, and how music has helped deal with the intense highs and incredible lows of being alone. They chat about how spending more time at home has allowed them to rediscover their record collections and purchase even more!

That and so much more on this episode of Strange Grooves!

Until next time…keep it strange!


Listen to full episode :


Volume 78: Catching Up With The Strange Crew


Volume 76: We Vibe’n From A Safe Distance